Friday, March 30, 2012

meddlesome little feelings

To kick off spring break, I watched a million Grimes videos, grew sick to my stomach by way of yogurt-covered pretzel consumption, and baby-sat. I have a presentation tomorrow that I feel less than prepared for. My confidence is waning. There is a bad mood brewing beneath it all.
While watching the little ones today, I lay on the couch and closed my eyes, listened to their noises but didn't pay attention for ten minutes. This is a bad way to go about it; why would anyone want me to watch their children? But I have a headache and my eyes were begging to be shut.
These kids. Two blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauties and two brunette, brown-eyed mischief-makers, each with a true blue personality, each with a smile that could light up the heavens. I will never get beyond how telling the faces of small children are, especially those one knows really well, those whom one has taken the time to look at. Sometimes the baby smiles at me and my heart stops. Sometimes I look at their feet or touch their hair and I cry. Everything is so fleeting and transient and also so wonderful, sometimes I feel as though I am failing to take it all in and process it adequately.
I went to return Martha Marcy May Marlene to Redbox and the couple in front of me was a well-dressed, hipstery type. He wore a blazer and hat. She had a line of words tattooed down the middle of her back, what they said I couldn't decipher, and her left forearm said "always." in typewriter print. People being people, being light-hearted, discussing food or something. People. People people people.

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