Saturday, January 14, 2012

always new and always familiar

One day in December:

One day in January:

"What do you think being in love feels like?"

"I think it feels like being cozy underneath a blanket and reading a good book when you know there's a storm outside. And also like frolicking through fields. Mhm. What do you think?"

"I don't know. I really don't know. Maybe it feels like spring after a rain, when the air is chilly but nice and the ground is dewy and the trees are getting their leaves and the flowers are showing their faces. The promise of warmth. I miss that feeling in spring . . . Or like biting into a truly delicious apple and feeling the equally sweet and tangy juice on your lips and remembering how good apples can be and how all the mediocre apples in the world make this one perfect apple worth it." 

"Aw. Definitely. I think it's nice and safe and comforting and exciting and always new and always familiar."

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